TANGO – 10 reasons why you should learn to dance
The Music
You will be swept into another era when orchestras played the powerful and sophisticated rhythms of tango all night long. The tango music is intriguing, beautiful, demanding…
2. The people
Welcome to a new community! Tango dancing is the opportunity to share wonderful moments with new & interesting people
The Connection
That’s tango’s little secret, its uniqueness. Connection is when the powerful yet delicate alchemy that exists between two dancers takes the dancing to another level. Whatever your experience or your role in the dance, you’re transported to new heights. It is the tango hook that makes us crave more
The science
Many studies have shown that tango not only releases chemicals to the brain that are calming and pleasing but that tango improves co-ordination and balance more than any other form of exercise.
The body
Feeling a bit on the floppy side lately? Tango will take care of that. It’s not energetic and you don’t need strength but you’ll soon learn how to use your core muscles for balance and your legs for power and agility.
The Elegance
Tango has a graceful posture, fluidity and ease. Translate that into the real world and you can spot a tango dancer from far away. Muscle memory doesn’t work only in classes, and in our daily lives we’re straightened, more relaxed, and, dare we say, happier?
7. Getting out
You don’t have to give up the pub, going out for meals, watching tv but soon you can add visiting a milonga (a tango dance night or afternoon). You may not know they exist – but they are everywhere around the country. Sit at a table, with a drink and nibbles, friends, the music, and of course dancing when you want to.
8. People-watching
Ever been at a pavement café and enjoyed watching people go by, everyone has a story. Sometimes in milongas we just want to sit and watch. There’s nothing more beautiful than watching two people dancing together and looking absolutely connected.
9. Leaving the world behind
In a world that never stops, tango offers the opportunity to take a moment to let go and be fully present, connected to someone. For the time on the floor we focus completely on the person we’re dancing with, the music, and our dancing. We leave the world behind, one song at a time. No need for meditation classes when you’re a dancer, you’ve got tango
10. The international connection
Today tango is danced all over the world by local communities just like yours. Wherever you go you can now plan a tango night in your travels and immediately be amongst locals – no language challenges, the music is the same, the dance is the same.
What is Tango?
Argentine Tango is a social dance. Most people associate it with dramatic shows, lots of flicking legs, turning heads, and even some lifts. Those moves do not exist in the Argentinian social dance that is best described as two people in a walking embrace. The music, from 1930s/1940s Buenos Aires, is never heard on UK radio or television and yet is adored by thousands across the country who gather in village halls and community centres to listen, dance, and socialise.
Who are we?
We are David & Marion, we have been dancing Argentine Tango for nearly 20 years, and teaching and running tango events (in UK and Europe) since 2012. See a few Testimonials. We have Tango Teacher diplomas and are guest teachers in an instructional DVD.
(Photo by Adrian Cubitt, one of our first tango students)